organic nitrogenous meaning in Chinese
- ( 二 ) using simulative test and onthogonal test to analyze the theories of folded point reactions of chloroamine disinfectant water and the mixed reactions of conveying tubes water by different disinfectant technique . a ) when organic contaminations of original water reach some degree , the reactions of some organic nitrogenous and activated chlorine in original water and the transfoms between organic nitrogenous and ammonia - n will disturb the produce and stability of 1 - chlonoamino . the curve got by the sutra folded point chlorination theory will have greatly changes
( 2 )采用生产性实验,分析氯胺消毒水的折点反应理论及不同消毒方式的管网水的混合反应,实验室及生产实验表明: a )当原水有机污染达到一定程度,原水中部分有机氮与活性氯的反应以及有机氮与氨氮之间的转化将干扰一氯胺的生成及稳定,经典折点加氯理论曲线将发生较大变化。